Mauricyo Furtado

Save Atlantis


Save Atlantis

Table Top Sim workshop version


This game was made for LD39. (Link) This is a physical card game!

Compo Build: 
Save Atlantis v1 (Sheets as PNG) — Downloaded 350 times
Save Atlantis v1 (Singles as PNG) — Downloaded 349 times

RogueCraft Squadron (LoveJam)



Build and conquer your way back home with your android companion!

Your spaceship overshot your destination while you were in stasis... by a hundred years. You find yourself on the other end of the galaxy with systems swarming with enemies. Play this roguelike real-time-strategy game and help the Adjutant and the Commander get back home!


This game was made for LÖVE Jam in 72 hours.

Compo Build: 
Love 0.10.2 Package — Downloaded 2518 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 397 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 466 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 386 times

Final Boss


This game was made for Ludum Dare 37.


You are the hero in an RPG. You've fought long and hard to reach end end of the dungeon. You have just one room left, one battle left. Can you defeat the FINAL BOSS?! If not... what will become of you?

Latest Build: 
Love 0.10.2 Package — Downloaded 1987 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 291 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 288 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 287 times
Compo Build: 
Love 0.10.2 Package — Downloaded 1963 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 282 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 290 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 291 times

Outlaws of Cygnus


Outlaws are coming to destroy the remote spaaace station in Cygnus... see how long you can hold out in this 3D spaaace shooting defense game.


Compo Build: 
Windows 32-bit Unity 5.4.0b21 — Downloaded 374 times
Windows 64-bit Unity 5.4.0b21 — Downloaded 373 times
MacOS 32-bit Unity 5.4.0b21 — Downloaded 358 times
Linux 32-bit Unity 5.4.0b21 — Downloaded 337 times
Linux 64-bit Unity 5.4.0b21 — Downloaded 340 times

The Career of Peter


Play the web version here!

When Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles, the French and British invaded, stopping WW2 before it started. 60 million lives are saved. The Cold War never happens. Communist and Marxist ideals spread like wildfire.

This game takes place in 1989, where a simple man creates a simple AI to play the card game euchre with him.

This story takes inspiration from Being There, 1984, The Man In The High Castle and War Games.

Latest Build: 
Pico8 0.1.6 — Downloaded 3221 times
Pico8 0.1.6 — Never downloaded
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 515 times
MacOS 64-bit — Downloaded 429 times
Linux 64-bit — Downloaded 419 times
Compo Build: 
thecareerofpeter-v17.p8 — Downloaded 2650 times



Our hero is an unprofessional vampire hunter, and he hears of a shapeshifting vampire in a castle.

Compo Build: 
Love 0.10.1 Package — Downloaded 2380 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 416 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 1039 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 348 times
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