Josef Patoprsty

Sis, Help Me!


You wake up in your room, and your brother is missing!

Horrible voices tell you to collect his remains, from the depths of your closet, which has turned into a horrible nightmare. You need to find him, before you wake up, You wouldn't want to leave him in such a horrible state, would you?

Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 2983 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 962 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 1021 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 477 times
Compo Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 2595 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 448 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 464 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 429 times

Mini Pirates!


Survive as a pirate captain for 30 days!

By pressing the corresponding number on your keyboard, decide the fate of your ship and crew! The objective is to hoard as much treasure as you can eat!

Compo Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 3006 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 607 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 637 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 463 times
Debian Software Package — Downloaded 2589 times



You Are the Villain

You're not a good guy. You've never been a good guy. Some would even call you a villain. But being a villain is pretty damn lonely and no one deserves to be alone right? Of course you can't just take any companion. She has to be of a bloodline to give status to your evil lineage. So, you decided that the local princess would make the best consort for you.

Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 3393 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 470 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 439 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 432 times
Compo Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 3418 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 459 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 469 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 455 times

GitHub Tycoon


GitHub Tycoon is a persistent software repository management simulation game.

The Singularity is Here!


The year is 2045, and the singularity is here.

Machines have evolved, and they're gunning for us. Ray Kurzweil predicted it, but he didn't imagine that it would start an armageddon between man and machine.

Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 2697 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 401 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 415 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 377 times
Compo Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 2383 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 356 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 377 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 364 times

Pocket Strife


There is a kitten challenge!

Build your economy, and destroy the enemy AI in this isometric game.

Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 2828 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 414 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 448 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 358 times

Giga Pudding: The Game



Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 2943 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 514 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 521 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 463 times

Doctor Cat: The Game


A game about a cat who is also a doctor

Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package (v0) — Downloaded 3003 times
Windows 32-bit (v0) — Downloaded 420 times
Windows 64-bit (v0) — Downloaded 459 times
Mac OS X (v0) — Downloaded 396 times
Love 0.10.2 Package (v1) — Downloaded 2272 times
Windows 32-bit (v1) — Downloaded 335 times
Windows 64-bit (v1) — Downloaded 330 times
Mac OS X (v1) — Downloaded 314 times
Linux 64-but (v1) — Downloaded 313 times

Flight 2942


A spin off of the NES 1942, but with spaceships. Also, it runs off a php server, and can support as many players as your server can.

Aeternum Blammo


Aeternum Blammo

This game was the first game I made in love.

Latest Build: 
Love 0.8.0 Package — Downloaded 3611 times
Love 0.9.2 Package — Downloaded 3059 times
Windows 32-bit — Downloaded 741 times
Windows 64-bit — Downloaded 1753 times
Mac OS X — Downloaded 537 times


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