I admit it, I've been slacking, but recent events have shown to me that I need to make sure that Missing Sentinel Software stays up to date on its website.
Keep in mind, I'm very active in game dev communities. Between interacting with the LÖVE community, the Ludum Dare community, my local Game Dev support group, Rochester Indies Anonymous, and bleating on twitter, I do keep myself very active on the internet.
Currently when I post information about my games, they heavily depend on the context, which is usually for game developers. I plan on fixing this by creating blog posts that can stand on their own for both folks who are interested in game development and those who are only interested in the games.
I intend to correct this communication issue post-haste, by:
There are two big projects currently in the pipeline here at Missing Sentinel Software, and the one that's currently getting most of my attention is Defense of Your Craft (DOYC).
Last weekend I went to my first game developer festival, IndieCade East.
Myself, Wes Paugh and Kevin Drew, respectively.
This was my first festival/conference, and while I wasn't able to make as many contacts as I had hoped, I realize that there are a few takeaways:
In the end, I had a great time. Indie Cade East has shown me that I really need to step up my game when it comes to communication, and I've been really failing hard when that comes to development the blog. While I don't want to post blog posts of low quality, I do want to keep folks up to date with what's happening.
With all this, I need to have a publicly facing portal for the games I have in development.
I realize that the information around DOYC is woefully lacking, and I will be correcting that post haste. In the future, you can expect a long list of subjects that I will be posting about:
Howdy; my name's Seppi, and I'm an indie game developer. I am an active member of the LÖVE community. I've been making games for years now, and I'm always interested in helping prospective indie developers out.
One of the paradoxes I've learned over the years, especially as a software developer, is the more I know, the more I realize I don't know. I quote;
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Questions, comments or insults? Feel free to leave in the comments section, or contact me; you can hit me up on twitter @josefnpat