Stealth Elf

Compo Build: 
Pico-8 0.1.10c — Downloaded 2563 times

Anissa is an elf girl with a knack for thievery. Upon entering a mysterious castle to claim it's treasures, she finds tough Bison Knight guards galore! Armed with only a grappling hook, Anissa must sneak past the guards by hanging on the castle's many chandeliers to claim her reward.

Use your grappling powers and your pathetic jump to avoid the enemies, and steal the treasure at the end!


  • Randomly generated terrain every time you play!
  • Collect coins to buy health potions from shops
  • Use your grappling hook to grab on to and hang from chandeliers!​


  • Don't let go of your grapple until you're ready to jump down!
  • Collect coins for potions!
  • Drink potions for extra lives!
  • Shops are checkpoints!
  • The game gets harder as you get closer to the end!


For the extra bonus point, the code is under MIT, and the art is under CC-BY-3.0!

This game was made in two days for the #linuxgamejam2017.

This game was made using the Pico-8 fantasy console with version 0.1.10c.


  • Code is under the MIT
  • Art is under CC-BY 3.0 (Ricky Crespo)