PicoRisk - Companion Risk Cart

Latest Build: 
Pico8 0.1.10c — Downloaded 2972 times
Pico8 0.1.10c — Never downloaded

Ever want to play a game of Risk on the go? Here's the companion cart! Complete with six colors, units and dice.

This game was made using pico8.


  • Automatically set up a new 6 player game by using the menu option, "Setup New Game"
  • Save & Load map, so you don't have to lose your progress!
  • Quickly set or clear a country's player with O.
  • Quickly set a country's units with X.


  • Load this game on to your PocketCHIP to play anywhere!
  • Countries can be set to Neutral for the Nuclear Risk gametype!
  • Roll five dice by holding X and O. (To roll less dice, simply ignore the extra. To wait for defender to choose number of dice to roll in return, obscure the screen from the second player until the attacker's dice are announced)